Most patients report a deep sense of relaxation and well-being during their acupuncture treatment. Some may experience the sensation of energy spreading from the needle and traveling along the channels. All these sensations indicate that the body's energy or Qi has been activated and that treatment is in progress.
There is a misconception that an acupuncture needle inserted into your skin would hurt as much or similar to a sewing needle or pin prick. Acupuncture needles are very thin and flexible compared to other medical needles. Many acupuncture needles can fit into the opening of an average gauge venipuncture needle. Modern day acupuncture needles are designed to have an extra smooth tip to minimize friction or resistance as it enters through the skin. So, in short, no, acupuncture needles do not hurt like the prick of a pin or sewing needle which are not designed for treatment.
In a typical acupuncture treatment, the needles are retained for about 15 - 45 minutes. During this time, the body temperature may lower, organ systems, heartbeat and respiration may slow down, muscle tension dissipates, and the mind calms. In most cases, the patient will sink into a very relaxed meditative state.
Research has shown that Acupuncture causes the body to release precursors to healing neurotransmitters including endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural opiates which relieve pain and increase the patient's relaxation response. Thus, the patient can see, over the course of treatments, physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
For those who are unable to receive acupuncture either due to medical or emotional reasons, needle-less options are available for treatments.
Most patients report a deep sense of relaxation and well-being during their acupuncture treatment. Some may experience the sensation of energy spreading from the needle and traveling along the channels. All these sensations indicate that the body's energy or Qi has been activated and that treatment is in progress.
There is a misconception that an acupuncture needle inserted into your skin would hurt as much or similar to a sewing needle or pin prick. Acupuncture needles are very thin and flexible compared to other medical needles. Many acupuncture needles can fit into the opening of an average gauge venipuncture needle. Modern day acupuncture needles are designed to have an extra smooth tip to minimize friction or resistance as it enters through the skin. So, in short, no, acupuncture needles do not hurt like the prick of a pin or sewing needle which are not designed for treatment.
In a typical acupuncture treatment, the needles are retained for about 15 - 45 minutes. During this time, the body temperature may lower, organ systems, heartbeat and respiration may slow down, muscle tension dissipates, and the mind calms. In most cases, the patient will sink into a very relaxed meditative state.
Research has shown that Acupuncture causes the body to release precursors to healing neurotransmitters including endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural opiates which relieve pain and increase the patient's relaxation response. Thus, the patient can see, over the course of treatments, physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
For those who are unable to receive acupuncture either due to medical or emotional reasons, needle-less options are available for treatments.
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Office (631) 403-3254 (text capable)
640 Belle Terre Road
Building D, Suite #2
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
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Contact Info
Office (631) 403-3254 (text capable)
640 Belle Terre Road
Building D, Suite #2
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
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